Unit VI: Gravitation + Unit IX: Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases


Unit VI: Gravitation


                       Chapter 8: Gravitation


Ø  Keplar's laws of planetary motion

Ø  The universal law of gravitation

Ø  Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth

Ø  Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential

Ø  Escape velocity

Ø  Orbital velocity of a satellite

Handwritten Notes-

Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-Gravitation.pdf

Unit IX: Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

                                               Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory


Ø  Equation of state of a perfect gas

Ø  Work done in compressing a gas

Ø  Kinetic theory of gases:

·        Assumptions

·        Concept of pressure

Ø  Kinetic interpretation of temperature:

·        rms speed of gas molecules

·        Degrees of freedom

·        Law of equi-partition of energy (statement only) and application to specific heat capacities of gases

·        Concept of mean free path

·        Avogadro's number


Handwritten Notes-

Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-KT of Gases&Thermodynamics.pdf

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