Unit X: Oscillations and Wave

               Unit X: Oscillations and Wave

 Chapter 14: Oscillations

  1. Ø  Periodic motion - time period, frequency, displacement as a function of time
  2. Ø  Periodic functions
  3. Ø  Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M) and its equation
  4. Ø  Phase
  5. Ø  Oscillations of a spring-restoring force and force constant
  6. Ø  Energy in S.H.M. Kinetic and potential energies
  7. Ø  Simple pendulum derivation of expression for its time period
  8. Ø  Free, forced and damped oscillations (qualitative ideas only), resonance


                     Handwritten Notes-

                   Rapid Revision Notes-Rapid-Oscillations_Waves.pdf


Chapter–15: Waves

  1. Ø  Wave motion
  2. Ø  Transverse and longitudinal waves
  3. Ø  speed of wave motion
  4. Ø  Displacement relation for a progressive wave
  5. Ø  Principle of superposition of waves
  6. Ø  reflection of waves
  7. Ø  standing waves in strings and organpipes
  8. Ø  fundamental mode and harmonics
  9. Ø  Beats
  10. Ø  Doppler effect

                 Handwritten Notes-

                Rapid Revision Notes- Rapid-Oscillations_Waves.pdf

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